I�just read Chapter 2 of a first-hand account of Auscwitz.� apos;Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambersapos; by Filip Muller.� Before, I thought the worst thing Iapos;d read was the Nazis delivering the urn of their loved-oneapos;s remains to Jewish families whoapos;s husbands had been imprisoned C.O.D..� Mind you this was in the middle of Kristallnacht, then mass shootings, Einsatzgruppen and mass graves.� This is worse.� Muller witnessing the SS�figuring out that if they tell� the huddled mass outside of the gas chambers they needed to disrobe because theyapos;d need to be disinfected for inspections for new jobs was...yeah.� Of course, that was after the SS figured out they would save a bunch of time and man-power by getting the people to disrobe in the first place.� One of the commanders, literally standing on top of the roof of the gas chamber talking down to the still-clothed crowd in the yard begins to ask people their professions and then tell them theyapos;d need folks just like that.� When Iapos;m less than optomistic I�feel that the thing that seperates Man from Animal is engineering.� Communication is still there, itapos;s just less far reaching.� Spirituality is still there, itapos;s just less formalized.� But the ability to overcome obstacles.��Yeah.� Thatapos;s us.� Letapos;s just, letapos;s just make sure we donapos;t let inappropriate things happen.� Letapos;s make sure the unwarranted is remarked upon.� Letapos;s make sure this doesnapos;t have the chance of happening, if thatapos;s possible.
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